As we are getting into cold and flu season, I would like to remind students and families that – due to Covid 19 – there are restrictions regarding being able to attend school.
If a student has any ONE of the following symptoms, they are not allowed to come to school:
- A fever or chills
- A cough
- A sore throat or hoarse voice
- Breathing difficulties
- Vomiting or diarrhea for more than 24 hours
If a student has any TWO of the following symptoms, they are not allowed to come to school:
- A runny nose
- Muscle aches
- Fatigue
- Pink eye
- A headache
- A skin rash
- Nausea or loss of appetite
If you are staying home because of the above symptoms, please contact Health Links at 204 788 8200 or 888 315 9257 for further guidance.
If you find yourself wondering about whether or not to send your son or daughter to school, please gives us a call and we will assist you, (636 2605, ext. 410).
Students must be 24 hours symptom free before they are allowed to return to school.
Thank you for keeping yourself and our school community safe.
Barry Lee "