Erickson Collegiate, in partnership with Prairie Mountain Health, is pleased to announce the establishment of a Teen Health Clinic. This is an opportunity for our students “to deal with their health care needs in a safe, confidential, non-judgemental way.” A nurse practitioner, along with professionals from community mental health and Addictions Foundation of Manitoba, will provide services to our students. Students do not need an appointment and it is confidential.
For more information on services provided, please see the brochure /UserFiles/Servers/Server_71674/File/Teen Clinic Brochure.pdf that was given to students. Students do not need permission from parents or guardians to receive health care services. “The only exception to the confidentiality rule is if an individual is at risk of suicide or abuse.”
Beginning October 16, the Teen Health Clinic will be held every third Tuesday of the month from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Lee at 636-2605.